BT Release Notes – 15 Sep 2020

BT Release Notes – 15 Sep 2020

Dear Esteemed User,

We are pleased to inform you regarding the recent changes done to the application for enhanced functionality and better user experience.

These changes include new features, functionality enhancement, changes to process flow and bug fixes.

Please find below a list of changes available for you.


Major Upgrades

Export Pre advice

  1. Provided additional functionality to allow Shipping Lines to Create Export pre-advise based on both container quantity and container number.

  2. Nominated party (e.g. CHA, FF etc) can upload containers as per the container quantity specified by Shipping Line (refer point #1)

  3. Updates to Export Pre –advice & EgatePass to support gate in of single containers:

    1. Shipping Line will continue to create a new EPA as per the current practice.

    2. However, if Shipping Line selects VGM Required as “Yes”, then he needs to use Approve button to approve the transaction on a container level in E-Gatepass Module.

    3. Nominated party (e.g. CHA, FF etc) can continue to use bulk upload facility in Export Pre-advise module as per current practice but will need to visit E-Gatepass module to upload related VGM.

    4. Nominated party (e.g. CHA, FF etc) can now tick the relevant E-Gatepass and click on Edit button to provide individual container level data in E-Gatepass module. This improves his ability to Gate in individual containers from a single Shipping Line booking.

    5. Nominated party (e.g. CHA, FF etc) can continue to nominate a truck to a E-Gatepass as per current practice.

    6. Only Shipping Line can cancel an Export pre-advise or an individual container from Export Pre-advise module

    7. The Cancel button in E-Gatepass module will cancel the transport nomination as per current practice.

  4. Save button in a new Export Pre-advice has been removed as the functionality is catered in #3 above.

Import Release

5. As per requirement from trade we have provided additional field to manually enter Importer Name on a Movement Order.

Track & Trace – Cargoes Flow

6. New container tracking & alert feature now available under E-Services on https://prod.bharattrade.in/launch.html.

Minor Updates

Across Application

7. Updated label to Transporter Company.

Export Pre-advice

8. Only Shipping Line can extend the Validity of an Export Empty – Coastal Container

9. Prevents user from adding duplicate IMDG class to a container.

10. System does not request for Commodity Description of an Export Empty Container

11.Enhanced error messages for better readability

12. Removed Storage Empty and Storage Full Release Types

13. Removed the option of Reefer and OOG from Export Empty

14. ISO Code will display only the Code and not the description

15. VGM weight field now support only one decimal place and min-max range of 2500 to 45000 Kgs

16. Added new search field - Terminal Vessel Visit No

17. Added container status (Yet to Arrive / In Terminal / Expired) for better tracking


18. Removed Cargo Weight, Max weight/CSC plate field.

19. Added validation to check uploading of unique documents to prevent user from uploading duplicate document

20. Fixed an issue where Trucker details were still displayed for Cancelled EgatePass

21. E-Gatepass can also be downloaded for Arrived & Departed status

Import Release

22. Removed Storage Empty and Storage Full Release Types

23. Fixed an issue where user was not able to properly enter Container Permit number on a Movement Order

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