BT Release Notes – 01 Nov 2020

BT Release Notes – 01 Nov 2020

Dear Esteemed User,

We are pleased to inform you regarding the recent changes done to the application for enhanced functionality and better user experience.

These changes include new features, functionality enhancement, changes to process flow and bug fixes.

Please find below a list of changes available for you.


Major Upgrades

Export Pre-Advice (EPA)

  1. Split Booking: Added a new functionality to rollover the export containers to an existing EPA for another vessel visit

    1. User should Open the EPA from which he / she wants to remove the container

    2. Click on “Split Booking” button available on the bottom

    3. Search for a liner booking number and select an existing EPA.

    4. Submit the EPA to reflect the changes


2. Container Removal: Added a delete button (Button: X) in E-Gatepass

a. In case of multi selection of records for Edit / Nomination

b. User can use the Button (X) to remove any record from the multi selection list

3. Container Status: Added ‘Container Status’ column in the E-Gatepass search result. The Egatepass needs to be selected and the refresh button on the right hand bottom pressed in order to check the correct status (discharged/not yet discharged) of the container.

4. Print Active E-Gatepass: The E-Gatepass for an Import Container will not change to Active unless the status of the container changes to discharged. User needs to check the status of the container as mentioned in #3.

Minor Updates

Export Pre-Advice

5. Removed the description of UN Class for IMDG, now user can input IMDG class as a number alone without a description.

6. Fixed a bug where cancelling an Active Export Pre-Advice, may have left the corresponding E-Gatepass in Queued status.

7. Added new attributes of Commodity Type and Commodity Description to meet individual terminal requirements. This is also available in E-Gatepass.

8. Added disclaimer to the Instruction field.  This is also available in Import Release.

9. Changed Label Delivery Mode to Arrival Mode for better understanding.

10.  Fixed an issue which prevented some Box Operators from amending the Terminal Vessel Visit.

E-Gatepass (EGP)

11.   Custom Seal has been made mandatory for Export –Export Full Containers.

12.   Additional columns added to EGP search result page - Terminal Vessel Visit No, Mode of Transport and Driver Name.

13.   Fixed a bug in the VGM Approval flow of Export Cycle.

14.   Updated Error Message descriptions text to bring more clarity.

15.   Fixed a bug which wrongly updated the E-Gatepass status when the Nominated Party submitted the E-Gatepass.

Import Release

16.   Changed label Agent Reference No to Reference No for better understanding.

17.   Fixed an issue in Movement Order (MO) that prevented the printing of Seal No on some of the Movement Order Form.


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