BT Release Notes – 26 Jul 2021

BT Release Notes – 26 Jul 2021

Dear Esteemed User,


We are pleased to inform you regarding the recent changes done to the application for enhanced functionality and better user experience.


These changes include new features, functionality enhancement, changes to process flow and bug fixes.

Please find below a list of changes available for you.


Note: In case you are facing any difficulty in accessing the application, kindly clear your browser cookies & cache and re-login into the application.

Major Upgrades

Nominate EgatePass

  1. CHA/FF/Importer Exporter can now request SL (Box Operator) even if the forms are not yet nominated or SL does not have the enuf forms. SL on approval will reduce the EGatePass (Form 13 / SEZ4 / Form6) count from his account

  2. Shipping Line User can now either request or enable more forms for Box Operator and Box Operator will be able to approve the request sent in from CHA/FF/ Importer Exporter.

Export Pre-Advice (EPA)

3. CHA / FF / Importer Exporter can now request Shipping Line to create an Export Pre Advice. On Submit of EPA, request will be sent to Shipping Line / Box Operator for Approval. Post Approval, the EPA will become active, and user will be able to fill the details and take the print of EGatePass (Form 13 / SEZ4 / Form6).

4. Shipping Line will continue to have an option to edit approval based on VGM document as Yes/No/ Auto Approve as Create page.

5. Users will now be allowed to submit an EPA post Vessel Cutoff time. However, an approval is required from Shipping Line / Terminal for late gate ins.


6. NSICT: iTEK integration: A cancellation triggered in iTEK will revert the EGP status in BT to Active instead of Open.

7. NSICT: iTEK integration: An EGP in Bharat Trade will turn to Active only when the iTEK has successfully accepted the transaction.

8. CCT: Cancellation message for Form 13 enabled for both Import/ Export.

Import Release

9. CCT: Import Release can be done by CCT on basis of Yard Block.

Minor Upgrades

Berthing Advice

10. Display of wrong cutoff time in Berthing Advice has been removed.

11. Fixed an issue due to which duplicate Vessel Visits recors were shown.

Blue Ocean

13. Fixed an issue preventing Blue Ocean Empty Yard (IGT integration) in updating Container Details for "Partial Gated In" orders.

Custom Declaration

14. Authorised Users can now download the CSV report from Custom Declaration Screen.


15. Other seal number is now displayed in the Printed Egatepass (Form 13 / SEZ4 / Form 6).

16. Fixed an issue causing Export EgatePass to be stuck in Queued status.

17. New Search criteria to enable users for searching EGP as per Gate In/Out Dates.

18. Updated many labels in the application to make it more user friendly.

19. Added new search field "Nominee" in EgatePass.

20. Transporters will not be able to edit Container level information for an Export EGP.

Export Pre Advice

21.   MICT Users will now be able to select FlexiTank and Flexi Tank Hazardous in the Bulk Upload Excel.

22.   Updated Instruction file of Bulk Upload to make it more user friendly.

23.   New Commodity Descriptions (Pulses, Apple, Banana etc) added in the Application and Bulk Upload Excel Instruction file.

24.   The transaction history displayed on EPA has been made more detailed.

25.   On Changing VGM Required from "Yes" to "Auto Approved" the corresponding status of EGP will automatically be changed from "Submitted" to Approved".

26.   User can now mention multiple IMDG class in Bulk upload Excel by using ":" sign (colon sign).

27.   Liner Booking number can now accept special character "-".

28.   For Rail Containers, only IMDG attachment to be mandatory.

29.   Customer Registration - Rejected companies will not be displayed for nomination.


30.   BT Customer Care phone number and email ID are available on the bottom right hand corner of the application, hence removed the redundant information from Help Section of the application.

Import Release

31.   Updated access rights for Freight Forwarders and CHAs on Import Release to avoid end customer mistakenly updating Import Release.

32.   BT will now accept LCL cargo.

33.   Delivery reference number will now accept special characters to a max length of 20 characters.

34.   Fixed an issue at CCT, where Import Release remained stuck in Queued Status.

35.   Fixed an issue in Movement Order due to which container number was not reflected in Bill Of Lading.

36.   IGT Movement Order: Fixed an issue resulting in display of wrong liner name on the print of Movement Order.

Nominate EgatePass

37.   CCT: Fixed an issue with Nominate EGP Service where user was able to create Nominate EGP with duplicate Agent Reference Number.

38.   CCT: While creating a new Nominate EGP, now user can select only "All".

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