Notification Setup

Notification Setup

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Copyright © 2020 by Mawani India PCS LLP. All rights reserved. This document and all associated attachments mentioned therein are the intellectual property of Mawani India PCS LLP. This document shall be used only by persons authorized by Mawani India PCS LLP, for the purpose of carrying out their obligations under a specific contract with Mawani India PCS LLP. Unauthorized copying, printing, disclosure to third party and transmission of this document to any other destination by any media will constitute an unlawful act, attracting appropriate legal actions.

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Copyright © 2020 by Mawani India PCS LLP. All rights reserved. This document and all associated attachments mentioned therein are the intellectual property of Mawani India PCS LLP. This document shall be used only by persons authorized by Mawani India PCS LLP, for the purpose of carrying out their obligations under a specific contract with Mawani India PCS LLP. Unauthorized copying, printing, disclosure to third party and transmission of this document to any other destination by any media will constitute an unlawful act, attracting appropriate legal actions.

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Revision History





Description of change


 Aug 25, 2020

 @Dona Safui (Unlicensed)

 Technical Writer

 First Draft

Notification set up (for non-admins)

If the logged in user has subscribed to a plan that allows them to receive notifications from Cargoes, then they can get notifications for different actions in various services.

Sign In: If user is registered, than they can log in to Cargoes and Login by providing their username and password in the login page and click the SIGN IN button.

Alternatively if not registered he can click on Sign Up to register before he can start using Cargoes Services.





To view or modify your notification set up, click on CONFIGURE -> Settings -> Notification Setup


In order to be able to get event notifications, a user has to subscribe to a plan for Event Notification. . Else an alert message will appear as shown here:


In the Manage notification screen, you will see options to enable or disable notifications based on users' preferences.


Apply filters

Click on Filters button to see and apply the available filters.

The filter options are

  • Service Category like Operations, Subscriptions, Registration, Shipping etc.

  • E services based on the service category chosen, like acceptance advice for Shipping.

  • Event Name based on the E services selected. For example acceptance advice has events like export pre advice created.

  • Click on the Apply Filters button.




  1. Click on the Notification Category to select the media for notification. The available categories are SMS, Email, Mobile, Web, B2B. Multiple selection is possible.

  2. In the Manage Notification dropdown, you have the options to disable notifications from others, disable notifications from yourself, and disable all notifications.

  3. In the next section, marked as 3 in the below image, edit the notification preferences for an e-service by clicking on the toggle button against any event, and notification mode.

  4. Click on the Submit button to save the notification preferences setup.

  5. Confirmation page will be displayed after Submit.


Reading notifications



Once user activates the Manage Notifications, all the notifications will display in Notifications Page.


On the right end of the navigation menu bar, click on the bell icon.





All notifications from the events, which the user has subscribed to in the Notifications Setup page, will be available here.



To search for specific notifications, click on the Filters button. The following filter options are available:

Service Category: This has a list of e-services for which the user can get the notifications, like Operations, Shipment, registrations, etc.

Event category: Here the events are available for the selected service category, like Create, Amend, Cancel etc.

Importance: Notifications are clasiified as of high, medium, and low importance.

Received: This filters the notifications by the time period when it’s received.

Show: Read and unread notifications can be filtered here.

Status: Active and Archived notifications can be filtered through this.



Sorting notifications

Users can sort the notifications by service or event category and oldest to newest and vice versa.



Notification iconography



In the image below, a sample notification is shown and the different icons are explained.

Follow the numbers marked on the icons for the description the information carried in a notification is marked. Below is a description of the various parts identified by the numbers in the diagram.

1 - abbreviation of the service name

2 - notification subject and body

3 - notification date and time

4 - Action buttons. Click on Go to go to the relevant page, or click on Archive to archive this notification.





Click on a notification to see all details, as shown in the image.



All the notifications will be removed from notification screen after 10 days from date they received.

Archived notifications can be checked from Archived Status dropdown.

Archive – On clicking on Archive button, system will hide the notification

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