Reporting Feature in CCS

Reporting Feature in CCS

This page provides information on various reports available in CCS.


1- Pendency Report


Useful for all companies to view scan information & dwell days for their import containers irrespective of vessel visit.


This report provides information regarding Import containers that are in the Terminal Yard (Discharged from Vessel) or onboard an inbound vessel for discharge at the terminal during the call (Discharged Reconcile).

How to Access

Click on “Pendency” inside REPORT menu.

Location wise Access

All Locations - NSICT, NSIGT, MICT, IGT & CCT

Who can access?

All users of following Company types can access this report. Admin users of the respective company needs to provide access rights to their company users by visiting Manage>Users>Company Rights.

  1. Terminal Users

  2. Shipping Line

  3. Container Freight Station (CFS)

  4. Importer / Exporter

  5. Freight Forwarder

  6. Custom House Agent (CHA)

  7. Transporter

  8. Container Train Operator (CTO)

2- Rail In Rail Out Report


Useful for all compaines to view details of their export and import containers transported via rail.


This Report provides information regarding Import and Export containers which are arriving or departing the terminal on rail from inland locations.

This report is divided into 2 sub reports:

  1. Rail In Report: Provides information of Export containers arriving at the terminal by Rail.

  2. Rail Out Report: Provides information of Import containers departing from the terminal via Rail.

You can download this report either using a Train Number or for a specific period (Max period 1 month).

How to Access

  1. Click on REPORT menu.

  2. Select “Scheduled Report”.

  3. Click on Create Report.

  4. Select “Rail In Rail Out Report”.

Location wise Access

All Locations - NSICT, NSIGT, MICT, IGT & CCT

Who can access?

All users of following Company types can access this report. Admin users of the respective company needs to provide access rights to their company users by visiting  Manage>Users>Company Rights.

  1. Terminal Users

  2. Shipping Line

  3. Importer / Exporter

  4. Freight Forwarder

  5. Custom House Agent, (CHA)

  6. Container Train Operator (CTO)


3- Line Report


Useful for SL & SA to view their container details of Export, Import and Transshipment for a particular vessel along with container status (Discharge recocile, discharged, Departed, Yet to arrive, arrived, loaded) & current position.

This is similar to Inventory report but key difference being Inventory report is visible only to VOA whereas Line report is visible to all SL & SA.


This Report provides information & location of Import and Export containers of a particular Shipping Line for a Particular Vessel Visit.

How to Access

  1. Click on REPORT menu.

  2. Select “Scheduled Report”.

  3. Click on Create Report.

  4. Select “Line Report”.

Location wise Access

All Locations - NSICT, NSIGT, MICT, IGT & CCT

Who can access?

All users of following Company types can access this report. Admin users of the respective company needs to provide access rights to their company users by visiting Manage>Users>Company Rights

  1. Terminal User

  2. Shipping Line

4- VOA Report


Useful only for CP to view export containers of COA
Useful if SL & SA wants to view CFS/CHA/FF nominations.


This report provides information regarding utilization of Egatepass (Export Booking form) to their box operators or partners.

Also, the data in this report is selectively filtered so that confidentiality of information is maintained between stakeholders.

  1. VOA (Vessel Operating Agent) can see the utilization of his egatepass by him or his COA or CP. VOA will not get the information regarding the customers of CP/COA.

  2. CP (Consortium Partner) can see the utilization of his egatepass by him or his COA. CP will not get the information regarding the customers of COA.

  3. COA (Container Operating Agent) can see the utilization of his egatepass by him or his customers.

How to Access

  1. Click on REPORT menu.

  2. Select “Scheduled Report”.

  3. Click on Create Report.

  4. Select “VOA Report”.

Location wise Access

Only at locations where NOMINATE EGATEPASS service is in use - NSICT, NSIGT & CCT

Who can access?

All users of following Company types can access this report. Admin users of the respective company needs to provide access rights to their company users by visiting Manage>Users>Company Rights

  1. Terminal User

  2. Shipping Line

5- Inventory Report


Useful only for VOA to check all import containers of a vessel.


This report provides the status of all Import and Export Containers of a particular vessel to the VOA. For exports containers it provides the status “Yet to arrive” at the Terminal or “Arrived” in Terminal Yard or “Loaded” on the vessel. For Import Containers, it provides the status “ Discharge Reconcile” for still onboard the vessel or “Discharged” in Terminal Yard, or “Departed” from the Terminal.

How to Access

  1. Click on “REPORT” menu.

  2. Select “Scheduled Report”.

  3. Click on Create Report.

  4. Select “Inventory Report”.

Location wise Access

All Locations - NSICT, NSIGT, MICT, IGT & CCT

Who can access?

All users of following Company types can access this report. Admin users of the respective company needs to provide access rights to their company users by visiting Manage>Users>Company Rights

  1. Terminal User

  2. Shipping Line (Vessel Operating Agent only)

6- Export Pre-advice Status Report


Useful for SL & SA to view timeline of their Export Pre-Advice approvals.


This report provides details regarding the approval flow of Export Pre-Advise. It provides the approver name, date and time when the Export Pre-Advice was Submitted, Approved (Active) or Rejected.

How to Access

  1. Click on “REPORT” menu.

  2. Select “Scheduled Report”.

  3. Click on Create Report.

  4. Select “Export Pre-advice Status Report”

Location wise Access

All Locations - NSICT, NSIGT, MICT, IGT & CCT

Who can access?

All users of following Company types can access this report. Admin users of the respective company needs to provide access rights to their company users by visiting Manage>Users>Company Rights

  1. Terminal User

  2. Shipping Line

  3. Importer / Exporter

  4. Freight Forwarder

  5. Custom House Agent (CHA)

  6. Transporter

7- Tally Sheet Inyard Report


Useful for all except SL & SA to view their Export & Import containers lying in-yard.


This report provides information of Export and Import Containers of a particular vessel visit which are currently lying in Terminal Yard.

The VOA can see all Export and Import Containers belonging to a vessel whereas the other company types can only see the container belonging to them.

How to Access

  1. Click on REPORT menu.

  2. Select “Import/Export Tally” Report.

  3. Select Vessel Status as InYard Report.

Location wise Access

All Locations - NSICT, NSIGT, MICT, IGT & CCT

Who can access?

All users of following Company types can access this report. Admin users of the respective company needs to provide access rights to their company users by visiting Manage>Users>Company Rights

  1. Terminal User

  2. Shipping Line

  3. Container Freight Station (CFS)

  4. Importer / Exporter

  5. Freight Forwarder

  6. Custom House Agent (CHA)

8- Tally Report


Useful for all companies to view details of all Export and Import containers loaded and dischared from the vessel.


This report provides information of Export and Import Containers of a particular vessel visit which have loaded/discharged to/from a particular vessel.

The VOA can see all Export and Import Containers belonging to a vessel visit whereas the other company types can only see the container belonging to them.

How to Access

  1. Click on “REPORT” menu.

  2. Select “Import/Export Tally” Report.

  3. Select Vessel Status as Tally Report.

Location wise Access

All Locations - NSICT, NSIGT, MICT, IGT & CCT

Who can access?

All users of following Company types can access this report. Admin users of the respective company needs to provide access rights to their company users by visiting Manage>Users>Company Rights

  1. Terminal User

  2. Shipping Line

  3. Container Freight Station (CFS)

  4. Importer / Exporter

  5. Freight Forwarder

  6. Custom House Agent (CHA)


9- Inyard Report


Useful only for SL & SA to view all container types lying inyard irrespective of vessel visit.


This report provides information of Import, Export, Back to Town, Transshipment and Storage containers lying in the yard

How to Access

  1. Click on “REPORT” menu.

  2. Select “Scheduled Report”.

  3. Click on Create Report.

  4. Select “Inyard Report”

Location wise Access

All Locations - NSICT, NSIGT, MICT, IGT & CCT

Who can access?

All users of following Company types can access this report. Admin users of the respective company needs to provide access rights to their company users by visiting Manage>Users>Company Rights

  1. Terminal User

  2. Shipping Line

10- Export VOA Report


Useful only for SA & SL to view Export and TS containers which are yet to arrive, arrived & Loaded.


This report provides information regarding Export and Transshipment containers for a particular vessel.

VOA (Vessel Operating Agent) can see his own containers plus that of COA and CP.

CP/COA (Consortium Partner/Container Operating Agent) can their own containers.

How to Access

  1. Click on “REPORT” menu.

  2. Select “Scheduled Report”.

  3. Click on Create Report.

  4. Select “Export VOA Report”

Location wise Access

All Locations - NSICT, NSIGT, MICT, IGT & CCT

Who can access?

All users of following Company types can access this report. Admin users of the respective company needs to provide access rights to their company users by visiting Manage>Users>Company Rights

  1. Terminal User

  2. Shipping Line

11- Gate Pass Report


Useful only for SL & SA to download EGPs.


This report allows user to download EgatePasses in bulk.

How to Access

  1. Click on “REPORT” menu.

  2. Select “Scheduled Report”.

  3. Click on Create Report.

  4. Select “Gate Pass Report”

Location wise Access

All Locations - NSICT, NSIGT, MICT, IGT & CCT

Who can access?

All users of following Company types can access this report. Admin users of the respective company needs to provide access rights to their company users by visiting Manage>Users>Company Rights

  1. Terminal User

  2. Shipping Line

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