Document toolboxDocument toolbox

Message Monitoring

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Copyright © 2020 by Mawani India PCS LLP. All rights reserved. This document and all associated attachments mentioned therein are the intellectual property of Mawani India PCS LLP. This document shall be used only by persons authorized by Mawani India PCS LLP, for the purpose of carrying out their obligations under a specific contract with Mawani India PCS LLP. Unauthorized copying, printing, disclosure to third party and transmission of this document to any other destination by any media will constitute an unlawful act, attracting appropriate legal actions.

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Revision History





Description of change


Aug 25, 2020

@Dona Safui (Unlicensed)

Technical Writer

First Draft


The Terminal Document Download module will allow authorized Cargoes user to download multiple messages that have been sent by the Terminal/ Cargoes in the past x number of days. This module will also receive, process and save the files received from the terminals into DR Trade database. Some of the messages identified for inclusion are Container Load and Discharge Report (COARRI), Gate in /out messages (CODECO), Terminal Departure Report (TDR) etc.
Follow the below steps to access this service.

Steps for document download

Sign In: If user is registered, than they can log in to Cargoes and Login by providing their username and password in the login page and click the SIGN IN button.

Alternatively if not registered he can click on Sign Up to register before he can start using Cargoes Services.




Go to TRACK -> Messaging -> Message Monitoring


The Document Download Search page is displayed. Enter the known search criteria in the respective fields and click the Search button.

  • Reference Id – Enter the reference Id that is available inside the message. Only the files related to the reference id will be displayed in the search results.

Only the files that are sent or received by the logged in user will be displayed.
Example: Container number in case of DL, LL etc. BOL in case of Manifest. If the reference ID is there in different files, all those files will be displayed.

  • Document Type – Select the document type from the Document Type drop down list. In the search results, the files based on the document type selected will be displayed.

  • Status – Select the status from the drop down list. In the search results, the files based on the status selected will be displayed.

  • Days With In – Select the option from the drop down list.

    • Today: If today option is selected, then all the documents sent and received on the current date will be displayed.

    • Week: If week option is selected, then all the documents sent and received on that week prior to current date will be displayed.

    • Month: If month option is selected, then all the documents sent and received on that month prior to current date will be displayed.

    • Year: If year option is selected, then all the documents sent and received on that year prior to current date will be displayed.

  • Add Criteria – User can add the search criteria, by selecting the option from the drop down list.

  • Sender Id – Enter the id of the sender in the Sender Id field.

  • Receiver Id - Enter the id of the receiver in the Receiver Id field.

  • Company Code – Search and select the company code by clicking the Search icon in the Company Code field. It will show all the files sent and received by the company code. Search result will be based on the logged in user company code.

Click the Reset button to clear all the entered data.Dates – Enter From Date and To Date in the respective fields.




The list of search result for which the user is authorized is displayed. Click the Request Id to view the details.

  • Request Id – Click the link to download the file in corresponding (EDI, CSV, XML) format.

  • Document Type – This column displays the document type, which are configurable. The available document types are,

    • Import Delivery Order_COREOR

    • Vessel Registration_XML

    • Discharge List_CSV

    • Load Load_CSV

    • Restow_CSV

    • Discharge List_XML

    • Load Load_XML

    • Restow_XML

    • Manifest_CHPOI03

    • Manifest_XML

    • DL_Response

    • LL_Response

    • Restow_Response

    • Manifest_Response

  • Sender Id – It displays the id of the sender of the message/file.

  • Receiver Id – It displays the id of the receiver of the message/file.

  • Status – It displays the status of the file. The available status are,

    • Submitted: DR Trade will update the status as Submitted on successful submission of the upload request.

    • Accepted: The status displays as accepted, when all the records received from RS are accepted.

    • Transmitted: If all the records are processed and passed by DR Trade B2B, DR Trade B2B will update the status as Transmitted.

    • Accepted with Errors: When some records are rejected by RS, the status will be displayed as Accepted with Errors.

    • Transmitted with Errors: When some records are rejected by DR Trade B2B, the status will be displayed as Transmitted with Errors.

    • Transmission Failed: The status displays as transmission failed, when B2B tried to push the message to RS and failed.

    • Rejected: The status displays as rejected, when DR Trade B2B is not able to open the file. Reasons: If file is not recognizable by DR Trade B2B, data validation issues RS rejects all the containers/records in a file as rejected.

  • Processed Date Time – It displays the B2B processing date-time.

  • Message Error Count – It displays the total number of records to the error count


  • Click the Pdf icon to download and view the search result in the pdf format.

  • Click the Excel Sheet icon to download and view the search result in csv format.Error File - If the status of file is failed or partially success, then this field will display the error file as an errors hyperlink. On clicking the hyperlink, a text file will be downloaded with the error details of the files in record level.


Manifest contains relevant information about all the bill of Ladings in a particular container.

View a manifest

In the Documents Download screen, select IGM_PCS_CHPOI03_REQ from the Document type drop-down. A list of Manifest will be listed under the SEARCH RESULTS section based on the search criteria.

To download a manifest file, click on the Request Id of the file.

The status Transmitted denotes that the message is successfully sent, if not, the status is "Rejected".

For rejected messages, the error can be seen in an error file. This file can be accessed by clicking on the errors link under the Error file section.

Sample Manifest

Below is a sample manifest that was successfully transmitted.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PortCalledpriortoSNo13 />
<BriefCargoDescription>CONTAINERIZED CARGO</BriefCargoDescription>
<ImportersName>N J CORPORATION</ImportersName>
<Address2>DAPODE BHIWANDI 421 302. THANE</Address2>
<Address3>INDIA IEC CODE 0308075293 G S T</Address3>
<NameofanyotherNotifiedParty>N J CORPORATION</NameofanyotherNotifiedParty>
<Address2>DAPODE BHIWANDI 421 302. THANE</Address2>
<Address3>INDIA IEC CODE 0308075293 G S</Address3>
<MarksofNumbers>N M</MarksofNumbers>

Check Error message

Messages that are in Rejected status will have the link to an errors file in the last column of the search results table.
Click on it, and save the file to check the errors. The below screen is captured from an error file.


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