Notification Management

Notification Management

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Copyright © 2020 by Mawani India PCS LLP. All rights reserved. This document and all associated attachments mentioned therein are the intellectual property of Mawani India PCS LLP. This document shall be used only by persons authorized by Mawani India PCS LLP, for the purpose of carrying out their obligations under a specific contract with Mawani India PCS LLP. Unauthorized copying, printing, disclosure to third party and transmission of this document to any other destination by any media will constitute an unlawful act, attracting appropriate legal actions.

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This is a controlled document. Unauthorized access, copying, replication and usage for a purpose other than for which this is intended are prohibited. This document is being maintained on electronic media. Any hard copies of it are uncontrolled and may not be the latest version. Ascertain the latest version available with Mawani India PCS LLP.

Revision History





Description of change


Aug 25, 2020

@Dona Safui (Unlicensed)

Technical Writer

First Draft


Cargoes application has a provision to send notifications to its users based on a specific action performed by them, or activity related to their area of work. Events mechanism works based on the configurations.

Notification setup option is available only for Cargoes admin. Cargoes admin uses this form to create various types of notification groups based on the business needs. He/she shall create the notification group using different combination from the below three parameters.

  1. Client Type: Details of different types of clients

  2. Service Category: Logical grouping of services

  3. Service Names : Details of all services as per the service category selected.

Steps to setup Notification:

Follow the below steps to setup your notification preferences.

Sign In: If user is registered, than they can log in to Cargoes and Login by providing their username and password in the login page and click the SIGN IN button.

Alternatively if not registered he can click on Sign Up to register before he can start using Cargoes Services.




Go to Configure --> Settings --> Notification Management


The Notification Management search screen is displayed; click the "+" icon to create a new Notification group.


Select the Client Type, Service Category, and Service Name.

Multiple values can be selected in each of these fields.


Fields marked with "*" are mandatory.


Click on the Apply button. It will display all the services with various actions and the notification channels.

Provide Notification Name to save a notification configuration. Use the Notification Category drop-down box to select/unselect a group of channels from all services.


Click the Reset button to erase all the data entered. 
Click the Back button to go back to the Truck Registration search screen.


The notifications shall be customized further on each service events level, using the toggle button given against service events or against each channels.




After entering all the mandatory fields, click the Submit button to save the data.


A pop up window will display for the confirmation. Click the Ok button to confirm. 



After the successful submission confirmation screen is displayed along with the configuration details.


Manage Notifications Setup

In the Navigation panel, go to Configure->Notification Management.

On the search page, enter the search criteria in the respective fields, and click the Search button.



The search result is displayed.

Click the Notification ID to view/amend or cancel the notification setup.

Note: Modification to an existing Notification is allowed only when the notification is not used in any of the price plan


View notification setup


After clicking on the Notification Id in the last step, the set up details are displayed on screen.


The following actions - Edit, View Edit history, and Cancel a notification can be done from this screen, as explained in the next sections.



Edit Notification setup


On the Notification Management view page, click on the Edit button at the bottom right corner of the page.

You can edit the notification category and the notification toggle buttons for each service and mode.


Click on the Submit button after making the changes.


A success message will be shown after making the changes.


Cancel Notification Setup



Click the Cancel button on the bottom right corner of the screen to Cancel a notification setup.



A pop-up window will appear for entering remarks.

Here, remarks have to be entered to complete a cancel action.


Click Submit button to cancel the notification.


On successful completion system display the confirmation message as shown in the image.


View Amendment History


On the Notification Management view page, click on the Edit button at the bottom right corner of the page.


A pop up window will show different versions of the notification for every time it has been amended.

Click on the Request Id to view the details of a particular version.


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