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Imp/Exp Hold and Unhold

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Copyright © 2020 by Mawani India PCS LLP. All rights reserved. This document and all associated attachments mentioned therein are the intellectual property of Mawani India PCS LLP. This document shall be used only by persons authorized by Mawani India PCS LLP, for the purpose of carrying out their obligations under a specific contract with Mawani India PCS LLP. Unauthorized copying, printing, disclosure to third party and transmission of this document to any other destination by any media will constitute an unlawful act, attracting appropriate legal actions.

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This is a controlled document. Unauthorized access, copying, replication and usage for a purpose other than for which this is intended are prohibited. This document is being maintained on electronic media. Any hard copies of it are uncontrolled and may not be the latest version. Ascertain the latest version available with Mawani India PCS LLP.

Revision History





Description of change


Aug 25, 2020

@Dona Safui (Unlicensed)

Technical Writer

First Draft

Hold and Unhold Containers

The Hold and unhold Container modules will allow authorized Cargoes users to submit a hold request for a container, or release a hold off the container. The information will be passed to relevant authorities of the request and Cargoes user will be informed of hold status.

The steps to put a hold on a container, and to release a hold off a container are explained in this document.

Steps to create a Hold on a container

Sign In: If user is registered, than they can log in to Cargoes and Login by providing their username and password in the login page and click the SIGN IN button.

Alternatively if not registered he can click on Sign Up to register before he can start using Cargoes Services.




Go to MANAGE -> Shipment -> Imp/Exp Hold


The Hold Advice Search page is displayed. Click the "+" icon to create hold.


Enter the hold details in the Hold Details section.

  • Location: Location of the logged in user (as entered during registration) will be available in the dropdown.

  • SP Name: Choose the terminal/service provider name from the drop-down.

  • Reference No.: Enter a unique alphanumeric/numeric value as an identifier for this transaction.

  • Start Date and Time: Pick a date from which the hold is to start.


  • End Date and Time: Pick a date till which the hold is applicable.

  • Auto Release - If Yes is selected, a text box is displayed to select Date & Time. If No is selected, then no action is required.

  • Line Code - Based on the client registration, all the box agent codes will display in drop down list. If Terminal Operator/ MS admin logs in, then all Line codes will display.

  • Designation: Select a value, Full or empty, for the container designation.

  • Hold Code: Select a suitable hold code from the dropdown.

  • Container Category: Select the container category, i.e., import, export, storage, or transshipment.

  • Hold Action: The possible hold actions are Stop Entry, Stop Exit, Stop Load, Stop Discharge. Based on the Container Category selection, the values will display in Hold Action drop down list.

  • Hold Reason – Select the reason for the hold from the drop down list.


  • If "Others" value is selected, then a textbox will open to enter the Hold Reason. Minimum length is three and Maximum length is 255 for the textbox.

  • In Amend screen, Other value can be amended if available.

  • Hold Based on: A hold can be based on any of the below criteria:

    • Container No.

    • Container Prefix

    • Container Range

    • generic

    • Rotation Number

  • Remarks: Enter any remarks for creating the hold. This is optional.


Based on the Hold Based On value selection, the Hold Specification and Exclude Criteria sections will appear on screen. as shown below:

Container No

Click the Add Container button to add the container(s). An Add Container pop up window appears, copy paste multiple container numbers or manually enter the container numbers in the respective field and click the Ok button.

Maximum 1000 containers can be added.









The Container numbers entered or copied will display in a tabular grid as below,

  • ISO Code – If ISO code is available for the container, then it will display.

  • Line - Operator code of that Container

  • Location - SP Name Location / Empty Yard location

  • Status – Based on the Container Location, status will be displayed.



Container Prefix

  • Enter the prefix in Container Prefix field, and then all the containers with entered Prefix will be on Hold.

  • Click the "+"icon to add multiple Prefix.

  • Prefix should be four digit Alphabets.

  • Maximum 20 rows will be allowed and 20 can be configurable.




Container Range

  • Enter the range of the container that needs to be on hold in the Container Range From and Container Range To fields.

  • Container Range To should not be less than or equal to Container Range From.

  • Range can be specified only as per Prefix.




  • Container Size – Select the size of the container from the drop down list.

  • ISO Code – Based on Container Size, ISO codes will display. User can select one or multiple ISO codes to keep on hold.

  • Vessel Name/Port/Country – Click the Search icon and select the vessel name, port and country value in the respective fields.

  • Place of Origin: Select the place of origin





Rotation No

As shown in the image to the right, enter the value in the below fields:

  • Container Size – Select the size of the container from the drop down list.

  • ISO Code – Based on Container Size, ISO codes will display. User can select one or multiple ISO codes to keep on hold.

Rotation Number – Click the Search icon, enter the known search criteria in the Search pop up window, and click the Search button. From the search result, click the rotation number to select.

The selected rotation number(s) are displayed.



  • Click the "+" icon to add multiple rotation numbers

  • Click the Delete icon to delete the added rotation number

After entering all the mandatory fields, click the Submit button to save the data and a pop up window is displayed for the confirmation. Click the Ok button to confirm.

The success screen is displayed with the Hold Container Details. Click the Back button to go back to the Search Hold screen.


Manage Container holds

View holds

The Search Hold page is displayed. Enter the known search criteria in the respective fields and click the Search button. In the Search Result, click the Hold Request Number to view the details.

  • Click the Pdf icon to download and view the search result in the pdf format.

  • Click the Excel Sheet icon to download and view the search result in csv format.

The details of the selected Hold Request Number is displayed.


Edit/Cancel a hold


On the Hold details screen (image in the last section), click the Edit button to modify the Hold request.

Modify the fields, which are editable. In this example, enter the value in End Date & Time, Auto Release and Remarks fields and click the Submit button.


The confirmation pop up window is displayed. Click the Ok button to continue. The success screen with Hold Container Details is displayed as below.


Click the History button to view the amendment history.


The amendment history is displayed. Click the Request ID to view the changes. The amendment history details of the Hold request is displayed.


Click the Cancel button to cancel the Hold request. The confirmation pop up window is displayed. Click the Ok button to continue.

The Status of the cancelled Hold request is changed to Cancelled.

Release Container

After logging in to Cargoes, go to MANAGE -> Shipment -> Imp/Exp Unhold


The Release Container Search page is displayed. Enter the known search criteria in the respective fields and click the Search button. In the Search Result, click the check box(s) to release the hold request.


Click the View link, to view the additional details of the request. An Additional Details pop up window appears as below



In the search results, select the Container Number(s) by clicking the checkbox(s), and click the Release button to release the request. The Release button will appear only if at lease one container with status “On Hold” is selected.


The Status is changed from On Hold to Released.

Additional Information

  • MS Admin, Terminal Operator (TO) Admin and Port Authority (PA) Admin can view all the Hold requests.

  • TO Admin and PA Admin can raise a Hold request for the other user(s).