Container Document Approval

Container Document Approval


The Terminal Documentation team reviews the documents. If the documents submitted by the customers are incorrect or not as per the requirement, then the terminal officer can give an appropriate comment to the request. The status of that particular request is then updated by the system to Awaiting Feedback. The customer then needs to address the comment and follow the process again by re-submitting a new request. The terminal can approve or reject a unit directly depending on the documents submitted, the customer receives the updated status accordingly.

This section explains steps taken by the terminal operator to review documents and approve or reject the units.


  • Import or Export request of the units is submitted.

  • Appropriate documents are uploaded.


To approve a container:

  1. Login to your CCS account, and click SIGN IN.

  2. In the Select Location window, click the drop-down and select the location Dar es Salaam.

  3. Click CONFIRM.
    Note: The Confirm button is enabled only after selecting the location.

  4. Go to Manage > Container Document Approval.

    Unit Approval Step 4.png

  5. In the Unit Approval section, to pull out the details of a particular container, you can search by entering either of the following, and then click on the search icon as highlighted in the image.

    1. Container #: Enter the container number.

    2. Type: Click the drop-down icon and select the following:
      Note: You can select one or more then one type.

      1. Import Full

      2. Import Empty

      3. Export Full

      4. Export Empty

    3. Process Status: Click the drop-down icon and select one of the following:

      1. Awaiting Approval

      2. Approved

      3. Rejected

        Unit Approval Step 5.png


  6. To search with a new container number or to reset the number, click on Reset icon, or click on the cross icon.

  7. Before approving the request, the terminal operator can add comments and upload documents.

    1. Click on three dots.


    2. To add Comments and upload documents, click VIEW COMMENT(S).

    3. In the Add Comments box add the comments related to the container.


      Note: The documents must be uploaded in JPG, PDF, and PNG format only.


    5. Click POST COMMENTS.


  8. A success message appears on the screen.

  9. Close the Add Comment box, click the “X”.


  10. The Status of the container changes to AWAITING FEEDBACK, as highlighted in the image.
    Note: The status changes for the user also.

  11. If the user meets all the criteria, then to approve the request, click tick mark icon as highlighted in the image.
    Note: The last modified record or the newly modified record appears on the top.

  12. In the Approve section, specify the following details:

    1. Bill To Code: Click on the search icon and select the bill to code.


    2. Notes: Mention notes related to the unit.


  13. Click YES. A success message appears on the screen.


    1. The Process Status changes and is updated to PENDING WITH TERMINAL.

    2. The YES button is enabled only after Bill To Code is entered.

The user may get an error message on the top of the screen if the Loader is invalid.

Similarly, there are few following errors that a user can come across:

  • If the Loader is missing: Error message displayed "Loader is mandatory."

  • If the Loader is invalid: Error message displayed "Loader is invalid."

  • If the ISO Code is missing: Error message displayed "Size Type (ISO) is mandatory.",

  • If the ISO Code is invalid: Error message displayed "Size Type (ISO) is invalid.",

  • If the HS Code is invalid: Error message displayed "HS Code is invalid.",

  • If the Consignee is invalid: Error message displayed "Owner is invalid.",

  • If there is an error creating PreAdvise: Error message displayed "Error Creating PreAdvise.",

  • If there is an error releasing the Hold: Error message displayed "Error Releasing Hold."


To reject the container:

  1. Before rejecting the request, the terminal operator can add comments and upload documents.

    1. Click on three dots.


    2. To add Comments and upload documents, click VIEW COMMENT(S).


    3. In the Add Comments box add the comments related to the container.


      Note: The documents must be uploaded in JPG, PDF, and PNG format only.


    5. Click POST COMMENTS.


  2. A success message appears on the screen.

  3. To reject the request, click “X” icon as highlighted in the image.

  4. In the Reject section, specify the following details:

    1. Rejection Reason: Click the drop-down icon and select a valid reason for rejection.

    2. Notes: Add the notes and appropriate reason of rejecting the unit.

  5. Click YES.

    1. The YES button is enabled only if both the fields are filled with the relevant information.


    2. A success message appears on the screen.

  6. The Process Status changes and is updated to REJECTED.


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