Edit Payment Request

Edit Payment Request


The action to edit the payment request is allowed only for the shipping agents. Shipping agents can edit the payment request once terminal operator raises the clarification for the payment request.


  1. The Shipping Agents get the edit option only when Status of the request is NEEDS CLARIFICATION.

    Edit Payment Request Step 1.png

  2. The user can get the edit icon on the search page as depicted in the image.

    Edit Payment Request Step 2.png

  3. The user can also get the edit option on the view requests details page.

    Edit Payment Request Step 3.png


  4. The user can click on the edit action on the search/view page to edit the request, and the user is routed to the edit request details page.

    Edit Payment Request Step 4.png


  5. In Edit page user is allowed to edit the bank deposit receipt, where user can add/remove the new/existing receipts with help of ADD FILE and delete button. Once modified, user can click on SAVE button to save the edited details.

    Edit Payment Request Step 5.png

  6. The status of the request changes to AWAITING APPROVAL as depicted in the image.
    The request is sent to the Terminal operator for approval.

    Edit Payment Request Step 6.png

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