Search and View Truck Visit Appointments

Search and View Truck Visit Appointments


This page describes how to search for a Truck Visit Appointment and view detailed information of a Truck Visit Appointment.


  1. Navigate to the Truck Visit Appointment page.

    Search and View Trucks Visit Appointment Step 1.png

  2. By default, the Truck Visit Appointments for the date range (current day - 6 days from the current day) will be displayed. In case there are no Truck Visit Appointments for this range, an appropriate message will be shown.

  1. All Truck Visit Appointments will be shown for CCS Admin and Terminal admin users.

  2. Trucking Company users can see only the Truck Visit Appointments associated with the company.



  1. Click on the SHOW MORE icon to reveal all the search parameters.



  2. User can perform a search using one or more parameters shown on the screen.
    Click on the SEARCH button to search. Click on the RESET button to clear the entered search criteria.



  3. Search results matching the criteria will be displayed.

In case the Truck Visit Appointment is of Failed status (or) one or more Container Appointment(s) failed to be associated with the Truck Visit Appointment during Truck Visit Appointment creation, there will be an “i” icon near the status column of the Truck Visit Appointment. Users can hover over this to see the reason.

This “i” icon will be present until the next successful amend of the Truck Visit Appointment.

All the dates in the search results are in DD/MM/YYYY format.



  1. Navigate to the Truck Visit Appointment page and search with the required parameters.



  2. Click on the CCS TVA ID corresponding to a Truck Visit Appointment.


  3. User will be navigated to the View Truck Visit Appointment page of that appointment.

In case the Truck Visit Appointment is of Failed status (or) one or more Container Appointment(s) failed to be associated with the Truck Visit Appointment during Truck Visit Appointment creation, the corresponding reason will be displayed as a top banner in the View Truck Visit Appointment page.

This banner will be present until the next successful amend of the Truck Visit Appointment.





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