TNZ- Configure Timeslots

TNZ- Configure Timeslots


This section describes how to configure timeslots for a particular duration.

Configure Timeslots

  1. Navigate to the Configure timeslot page by clicking on Manage> Gate >Timeslot Management.

    Configure Timeslot Step 1.png

  2. Click Configure Timeslot on left navigation bar.

    Configure Timeslot Step 2.png

  3. Select the EDIT button to make necessary configuration changes.

  4. “Location” and “Slot Count by” field are auto populated in view mode only.

  5. Users with privilege can change the following fields:

    1. Slot by Count: Click the drop-down icon and select one of the following:

      1. Per Truck

      2. Per Container

    2. Appt Window Open (Hours): Trucking company users can view slots based on configured hours.

    3. Pick Up Container Per Visit: Select the respective value from drop down (40 Feet/ 60 Feet/ 80 Feet).

    4.  Drop Off Container Per Visit: Select the respective value from drop down (40 Feet/ 60 Feet).

    5. Timeslot Duration: Select the respective value from drop down menu (Fixed 30 mins/ Fixed 1 Hr./ Fixed 2 Hrs./ variable).

    6. Standby Configuration: The input field is enabled based on checkbox selection for the value of standby quantity per timeslot allowed. Users can enter the allowed standby appointment quantity per timeslot.

    7. Appt Auto Expiry Configuration: The input field is enabled based on checkbox selection for the value of appointment auto expiry. Users can enter the time period in Minutes to set the appointments to expired status automatically, once the appointment time passed.

    8. Appointment Update Window: The input field will be enabled based on checkbox selection for the value of allowed update window for appointments. Users can enter the time period in Minutes to restrict the appointments update.

  6. Click SAVE button to save the configuration changes. Click on the CANCEL button to drop the changes and go back to the Configure Timeslot view page.

  7. Users will be navigated to Configure Timeslot view Page with Info Message.


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