Driver API Req/Res Contract

Driver API Req/Res Contract

1. Search API URL

url : /vbs/driver/search

DriverSearchSo is ModelAttribute on backend side where request params in url will be picked from url and mapped to entity values of DriverSearchSo in backend side (frontend has to side params which are present in below DriverSearchSo only)

sample url : /vbs/driver/searchDriver?driverIdOrName=123&contactNumber=12312...

HTTP Method : GET

DriverSearchSo { String driverIdOrName; // optional String emailId; // optional String linkedClientCode; // optional String contactNumber; // optional List<String> spSubLocationCodes; // spSubLocationCode {"DPWVAN", "AOLADT1"} String spLocationCode; // spLocationCode "" List<String> status; // optional String driverTerminalLocationStatus; // optional siteStatus String portDriverId; // siteId String clientCode; // MANDATORY where logged in user is trucking company boolean isAdmin; // optional }


ListResponseSO<DriverSearchresponseSo> { List<DriverSearchResponseSo> list; Long totalRecords; }
DriverSearchResponseSo { Long driverId; String firstName; String lastName; LocalDate dateOfBirth; String addressLine; String country; String state; String city; String pinCode; String emailId; String countryCode; String contactNumber; String driverStatus; String clientCode; }


2. Cancel Driver API

URI : /driver/cancel/{driverIds}
example : /vbs/driver/cancel/123,354?remarks=Cancelling%20the%20driver

Path variable : 
driverIds (List<Long>)

@ModelAttribute as Query String :
  remarks: "these are remarks" (String)



    "driverId" : 123,

    "firstName" : "Xyz",

    "lastName" : "abc",

“processingRemarks” : “Successfully cancelled“



Processing remarks in response can be “Successfully cancelled“ / “Already cancelled“ / “No data present or ownership issues.“.

3. Csv Download Driver API

URI : /driver/downloadCSV
example : /vbs/driver/downloadCSV?driverIdOrName=123&contactNumber=12312

Success Response 200 content type as text/csv

4. View API URL

url : /vbs/driver/{driverId}

sample url : /vbs/driver/1

HTTP Method : GET


5. Download Document API URL

url : /vbs/document/{documentId}

sample url : /vbs/document/48418155

HTTP Method : GET