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 Dona Safui (Unlicensed)

 Technical Writer



Dona Safui (Unlicensed)

Technical Writer


E-Gate Pass is the service for nominating or authorizing a registered Haulier (Transporter/Train Operator) for import container pick up or export container drop off at the terminal. A Nominated Shipper (Importer/Exporter) , Nominated Freight Forwarder, Box Operator, Nominated Custom Broker, Nominated CFS or a Nominated Haulier can use this service to assign a Haulier and a truck for his containers. 


The steps to create a new nomination are as follows:

If a user is registered then they can log into by providing a valid username and password in the login page, and clicking on the SIGN IN button.

Alternatively, if not registered they can click on the Sign Up Now button to register before they can start using Bharat Trade Services.

Go to MANAGE --> E- gatepass

In the Print E-gatepass Search page, enter the known search criteria in the respective fields and click the Search button.

Click on the Additional Criteria to add more search criteria from the drop down.

For example, if the user selects Container Size from the additional criteria dropdown. User can search based on the preferred container size from the dropdown that appears as shown in the image below.

The search results displays the list of nominations. A nomination id is created for every container added in an export pre-advice or an import release. The container types are export and import respectively.

The checkboxes on the left of each nomination id can be used to select multiple records and perform different actions on them. The actions are discussed later.


  • Click on the Pdf icon to download and view the search result in the pdf format.

  • Click on the Excel Sheet icon to download and view the search result in csv format.

View an E-Gate Pass

To view the details of an e-gatepass, click its Nomination Id.

The container details, transporter details, and attachments can be seen in the View page.

Click on the Back button to go back to the e-gatepass search screen.

Print Active e-gatepass

Select one or more the e-gatepass by clicking on the respective checkboxes, and click on the Print button. For an e-gatepass in Active status, the Print button will also be available in the view page. Only transaction in status Active, Queued, Failed, Arrived or Departed can be printed. If other records are selected for printing, an error message will ask the user to unselect the wrong record and try again.


  • A maximum of 20 e-gatepasses can be printed all at once.

The system will show an error if user selects e-gatepasses that are not in Active status for printing, as shown in the adjacent image.

Edit e-gatepass details

A shipping line or nominated parties can edit the container details for an export pre-advice (EPA) record.

To modify the details of one or multiple e-gatepass records, select the respective checkbox(s) and click on Edit.

If an EPA already has container number, ISO code, or IMDG details, then these details cannot be amended here. If any of these information was not entered before submitting the corresponding EPA(for example ISO code in the below image), then the nominated party can enter the details here. These amendments will appear in the History of the EPA. In the attachments section you can add file attachments. Each attachment has to be uniquely named, else it will be rejected by the system.

Click on the cross sign (as marked in the image below) to cancel editing any egatepass record, if selected by mistake. Note that this is possible if user has selected multiple records for editing. If there is just one record, use the back button to cancel editing and go back to the search page.


Containers only with Open, Nominated, Submitted, Approved, Active, Rejected, Failed status can be edited.

Shipping lines can edit the container details in this module only if the nomination status is failed.

The “Action” button

The Action button is available for shipping lines only, to approve or reject an Export pre advice which has been created by a nominated party, with the VGM Required field as No. Only nominations with Submitted status need to be approved or rejected.

  1. Select the required “Submitted” nominations by clicking on the check boxes against them, and click on Action.

  2. From the pop-up menu, select an action - Approve or Reject, and click on Ok, after entering comments.

Nominate transporter

Containers with status as "Booked" , "Arrived", "Departed", "Expired", "Survey Working", or "Queued" cannot be nominated.

To nominate a transporter for containers, select the required nominations by clicking on the check boxes against them, and click on Nominate.

On a new page, the selected containers will be listed. You may delete a container from this list by clicking on the delete button to the right of each container record.

Click on the Additional details(marked in the below image) icon against a container to check more details on it.

The additional details pop-up is read only, as shown in the adjacent image.

Note: Additional information is not available for export full containers. Shipper name and Bill number mandatory for Export Full containers

Enter the transporter details - (transporter company, driver name, truck number) in the respective fields. For the fields Driver Username and Truck number, you can click on the search icon to search and select a value. Click on search to get the search results. Click on a License Plate number to select it.

Driver name search

Truck No. search


  • If Transporter Company is nominated through Export Pre-Advice, Import Release, or Imp/Exp Hold/Unhold, then it will be displayed as Read only.

  • Either Transport Company or Driver Username or Truck No are mandatory to generate E-Gate Pass for a Container

After entering all the mandatory fields, click the Submit button. After submitting the details the container number will be updated in the EPA screen too.

A confirmation pop up window appears. Click the Ok button to continue. A pop up window with a success message is displayed as below,

If the user tries to nominate for transactions in Working, Expired, Arrived and Departed status, the below error message will be displayed.

Refresh status

This button helps to refresh the container status(discharged/not yet discharged) of the selected e-gatepass records.

The E-Gatepass for an Import Container will not change to Active unless the status of the container changes to discharged. User needs to check the status of the container.

Cancel Nominated Transporter

In E-Gate Pass Search page, enter the known search criteria in the respective fields and click the Search button. The list of search results for which the user is authorized to amend the E-Gate Pass is displayed. Click on the checkboxes against the nominations that you want to cancel. Click on the Cancel button to cancel the E-Gate Passes.

Only the E-Gate Pass for containers with status Nominated or Active can be cancelled.

The Cancellation confirmation is displayed in an Alert pop up window. Click Ok to continue.

The cancellation will be confirmed and the Status of the cancelled E=Gate Pass is changed to Open and is again available for Nomination.

E-gatepass statuses

An e-gatepass may have any of the following statuses.




An e-gatepass record is created every time an export pre-advice (EPA) or a n import release (IR) is created. if a transporter is not nominated in EPA or IR, the status of the e-gatepass request created is “Open”.


The status of an e-gatepass record is “Nominated” if one of the below conditions is true:

  1. When an EPA is created with shipping bill number;

  2. When an Import release is created as a movement order, or the bill of entry details are filled in the import release

  3. The haulier is selected in export or import booking.


If a transporter and truck details are available for an EPA or an IR, then the corresponding e-gatepass is in “Active” status


An e-gatepass is in the “Completed” status when all the containers for that NT ID are gated in or gated out.

Transmission in Progress

Export data is sent from Bharat Trade to the terminal system.

When the data is in transition, that is, has left from Bharat Trade but has not been copied by the terminal system, the e-gatepass status id “Transmission in Progress”.

Transmission Failed

 In the process of sending export data to the terminal system, if unexpected system error, or data mismatch happens,then the status is shown as “Transmission Failed“.


If the survey for a container is started, the status of the associated e-gatepass is “Working”.


If gate out has happened for the containers, the associated e-gatepass gets the status of “Arrived”.


If gate in has happened for the containers, the associated e-gatepass gets the status of “Departed”.

Green Dot

A green dot signifies that the e-gatepass request is Active.

Yellow Dot

A yellow dot signifies that the e-gatepass request is either Open or Nominated.

Black Dot

A black dot signifies that the e-gatepass request is either in “Arrived” or “Departed“ status.

An e-gatepass will remain in Active/Open status until all mandatory details are filled.

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