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Copyright © 2020 by Cargoes by DP World India PCS LLP. All rights reserved. This document and all associated attachments mentioned therein are the intellectual property of Cargoes by DP World India PCS LLP. This document shall be used only by persons authorized by Cargoes by DP World India PCS LLP, for the purpose of carrying out their obligations under a specific contract with Cargoes by DP World India PCS LLP. Unauthorized copying, printing, disclosure to third party and transmission of this document to any other destination by any media will constitute an unlawful act, attracting appropriate legal actions.
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Table of Contents |
Companies need to register to the CNS Cargoes application in order to use its services. Individual users, drivers also need to register to the system to use it, to be nominated by other parties for actions etc.
User Registration
Go to the application portal. Click Sign Up.
The system navigates the user to the registration page.
Click the drop-down icon and select Company User.
Enter personal details First Name, Last Name, Email ID (Work), and Mobile Number and click CONTINUE.
The user must enter their work or professional Email ID.
The Email ID provided by the user is be used by the system for all official communication.
Enter password of your choice, the user must follow the guidelines for the password.
The system shows an error until the criteria of the password is met. Re-enter the password in the Confirm password box.
Privacy policy and terms of use: Click on the hyperlink to read all the terms of use.
Click on Continue.
Communication Preferences
The system allows the user to select preferences to receive the communication.
The user can select the communication preference and click CONTINUE.
Confirmation and Email Link
A verification link is sent to the registered email ID (the one entered in the User Details section). If you have not received the link, check your spam folders. Click on the Resend Link button to send the link again.
The system sends a verification link on your registered email address to verify.
User Activation
See a sample of the email with the activation link here. Click on the Activate Account link in the email.
The system directs the user to the sign in page with a message stating, “Account activated successfully”.
Click Go to Cargoes Community.
User can now login with the credentials and click SIGN IN.
After entering the credentials and clicking on Sign In, the system directs the user to the Register Company page.
The login details are present by default, if not please enter the credentials.
To skip registering a new company, and to connect with an existing company instead, logout from the system and sign in again with your credentials. Then follow the steps to Connect Company.
Register Company
Anchor | ||||
After logging in, the system directs the user to the Cargoes home page. Click REGISTER COMPANY, to start registering your company.
Complete all the sections of the form by clicking
at the end of each page.Status colour Blue title NEXT
Note: The Next button gets enabled once all mandatory fields in the page are filled.To add more details of the office, click ADD MORE OFFICE.
In the Office Information section, enter the required details, and then click
.Status colour Blue title NEXT In the Select Company Role section, select the role of the user and click
.Status colour Blue title NEXT
The user can select more than one role or select all available roles for a company by checking the
checkbox, and then clickingStatus colour Blue title SELECT ALL
.Status colour Blue title NEXT In the Select Service Provider section, the user must select Service Provider(s) for each role. As, the
button is enabled only after selecting service provider for all the roles selected.Status colour Blue title NEXT
In the Select Service Provider section, select the role Shipping Line (1), and then select EXL1-Export Lite as the Service Provider to associate with the company, and click
.Status colour Blue title NEXT
The user can select more than one Service Provider or select all available Service Providers for a company by checking the
Status | ||||
Status | ||||
KYC Information
In the KYC Information page, in the Shipping Line section, for Arrive Load select Yes or No and click
Status | ||||
At any point during the form completion, you may save the form to access it later. Click on the Save as Draft button (right beside the Submit button) to save the form in draft status.
In the COMPNAY Documents section, fill in the mandatory fields and UPLOAD DOCUMENT with the relevant information.
In the Add New Documents section, can upload the additional documents for company registration and click
.Status colour Blue title next
Review and Submit
Finally, review all the details entered in the form, select the checkbox at the bottom of the page to acknowledge and to give confirmation of entering into an agreement on behalf of the customer and then click
.Status colour Blue title Submit
If any corrections need to be made, click on the Back button at the bottom left corner of the page to navigate to previous pages.
.Status title YES After the submission, the Company Profile page is displayed, where the user can find their requested company profile.
The status of this record appears Pending Approval, as shown in the screenshot.User can click on the Company Name to view the application form.
View Registration Request
Enter any search criteria and click the
Status | ||||
Click on the Company Name link from the search result.
The user is redirected to the company details page.
Click on the headings on the sidebar to view the different sections.
The company details as requested are displayed on screen. After submitting a registration request, a Company reference number is generated, as shown in the screenshot.
Note that this is an asynchronous process, and the new status will reflect after the workflow completion. The Approximate turnaround for the approval/rejection to be complete is about 20 minutes.
Company Registration Request Status
Status | Description |
Draft | When a user has saved a Company Registration application as draft (by clicking on the Save as Draft button), and not submitted the application yet. |
Submitted/Pending Approval | After a requestor submits a request, its status is “Pending Approval”. |
Partially approved | When at least one service provider is approved and other service providers are pending approval, then the status of the request is Partially approved. |
Approved | When all roles and service providers in a request are approved, its status is Approved. |
Rejected | Registration request is rejected by the admin. |
On Hold | Any request which is Pending Approval can be put in On-Hold status, in order for the company admin to edit and add additional information. |
Partially Rejected | If any one service provider is rejected and others are approved, then the company’s status is Partially Rejected. |
Suspended | When a super admin suspends a company, its status becomes ‘Suspended’. Suspension can happen only after a company has been already approved. |
Service Status
Active | When a service is activated after deactivation, its status changes to Active. |
Deactivated | When the service is deactivated, its status is Deactivated. |
Edit a Registration Request
The status of this company is Approved, and thus a company admin is able to edit it.
Amend the fields as necessary and click on Next to navigate to the subsequent pages.
The next page has all the selected service providers for each role.
Note |
Edit Registered Company Details
The MS Admin can edit details of the registered company from the landing page.
Go to Configure> ACCOUNT > Company Profile.
Go to the desired company, click on it as depicted in the image.
Click EDIT.
The system navigates the user to the Update Company page, make the necessary modifications and click NEXT to navigate to the subsequent pages.
The roles cannot be removed once they have been approved. You may however add new roles by clicking on the appropriate role icon.
You cannot remove an already selected and approved service provider once it has already been approved. you may however add a new service provider by clicking on it, if available.
The Edit Company option is available for the companies with the following statues:
Add User
A company admin is allowed to add new users to the i.e., after registering at least one company and control the service privileges that a new user can have, and for how long the account may be active. These can also be modified later.
The new users' accounts will be created in the system. These accounts also need to be approved by a system super admin. Below are the steps to add a new user’s account.
On the top navigation menu, go to Manage > Registration> Users. Click on the Add User button.
Copy User Permissions
Use this section to copy user roles and permissions and provide to a new user. Under the Copy User Permissions section, in the Type or select username field, type a username in order to copy their rights.
Grant Access
Department - Commercial/Finance/Marketing
Level - Company/Office.
Admin Rights
The user’s admin rights can be selected here. In the example in the screenshot, the user can only view company details.
Service Provider and Role Selection
Service Rights
Click on the Add User button to submit the form.
The user will be successfully added, and is pending approval.
Click on Add User.
The user can be seen on the search user page, once successfully invited.
Search and View Users
Navigate through the menu on the left, to view different sections of the user details.
Edit User Details
A user can edit their own company profile. Depending on the user’s role, they have different privileges. For example,
A user who is not a company admin or a super admin, can edit their own profile information (restricted to user’s name and industry type), and can change their own password, after logging in.
A user who is a company admin can edit company rights. They can also deactivate, suspend or unsuspend a user, unlock a user after their account gets locked after repeatedly entering wrong username or password while trying to login.
A user with super-admin access has the rights to amend the rights of any user in the system.
Transfer of Ownership
The MS admin can transfer ownership of the company.
The Company Admin cannot be deactivated, the ownership of the company must be transferred to another user.
To transfer the ownership:
Login to your CCS account, and click SIGN IN.
Go to Configure> ACCOUNT> Company Profile.
In the Company Profile section, to pull out the details of a specific company, the user can enter the values in the field and then click SEARCH.
Click the SHOW ALL drop-down, to see more options (secondary search) to search the company.
In the Company Profile section, to pull out the details of a particular company, you can search by entering either of the following, and then click SEARCH as highlighted in the image.
Field Name | Actions |
Company Name, Company Reference, Company Email Address | Enter either of these Company Name, Company Reference, Company Email Address |
Created Date From | Select the date. |
Created Date To | Select the date. |
Owned By | Enter whom it is owned by. |
Last Action By | Enter the details of last action. |
Last Action Date | Select the last action date. |
Status | Click the drop-down and select the status. |
Company Role | Click the drop-down and select the company role. |
Service Provider | Click the drop-down and select the service provider. |
Code Type | Click the drop-down and select the code type. |
Code | Enter the code. |
Country | Click the drop-down and select the country |
6. To search with a new company detail or to reset, click on RESET.
7. In the Search Results section, go to the desired company, click on the three dots and select Transfer of Ownership as depicted in the image.
8. In the Search User to Transfer Ownership window, enter the Email ID of the user and click SEARCH.
9. If user is available in system, proceed to transfer ownership to user. Verify the email ID and click PROCCED.
10. In the Deactivate User window, click appropriate action.
The current owner can be kept Active as Admin of the company or can be immediately Deactivated from the Company.
The Deactivate User window opens up only if the user is already in the system.
11. Once the ownership is successfully transferred, all the rights of the current company admin is copied to the new user for the transferred company. And the company is now owned by new user.
12. In the Search User to Transfer Ownership window, enter the Email ID of the user and click SEARCH.
13. If the user is unable to find the Email ID in the system, then click Invite new user to Cargoes checkbox and click PROCCED.
14. In the Invite user to Cargoes Community window, enter the details in the mandatory fields, and click SEND INVITE.
15. To copy and share the link, click over COPY LINK.
16. A success message appears on the screen.
Incorrect Password and Account Lock
Use of incorrect credentials for 5 consecutive attempts can lock your account. Use the forgot password option to reset your forgotten password.
Forgot Password
Click on the Forgot Username/Password? link if you cannot remember the old password. Enter your Email ID and click NEXT.
Use of incorrect credentials for 5 consecutive attempts can lock your account. Use the forgot password option to reset your forgotten password.
A link is sent to your registered email address, provided the email address/user id is a valid and registered in Cargoes.
Check your email and click Reset Password.
The system navigates the user to the page shown below. After entering your new password in both the text boxes, click RESET PASSWORD.
Login using your new password.