CCS Release Notes – 1 November 2022 – R 1.10.0
Dear Esteemed User,
We are pleased to inform you that we have released the below mentioned upgrades to Cargoes Community System (CCS). We hope these upgrades will improve your experience while using the application.
Users when logged as guest user can search basis Truck, Container or Vessel for latest transaction details. The service is designed to enable Truck Drivers to find which container is assigned to him and when is the container ready for Pick-Up. The service is available on a smartphone.
Berthing Advice
2. Terminal Admin Users can now input the Gate Open and Gate Cut-off Time directly in Cargoes Community. The same time will be used to validate all Export Pre-Advice Submission and reflect on the EgatePass print.
Voyage Enquiry
3. Extra columns added in Voyage Enquiry search screen to show additional information regarding vessel visits.
4. Government regulatory requirement for SCMTR COARRI file through SFTP has been implemented.
Minor Updates
Import Release
5. New Search Parameter for Import Release in status “Pending Approval” added. This allows Terminal Admin Users to easily find DPD Import Releases pending for their approval.
6. While creating an Import Release for Specific pick, users can now search containers basis Bill Of Lading number.
7.Validity date of an Import release can be manually increased by Terminal or Box Operator basis the EDO received from PCS or DO submitted on email/attachment.
8. Auto Email will be triggered to Terminal Admin users every time a DPD Import Release is submitted for their approval.
9. If Shipping Line Rejects an Export Pre-Advice, email will be triggered to the requestor of the Export Pre-Advice notifying the reason for rejection.
10. On Submitting an Export Pre-Advice, notification email will be triggered to both Requestor as well as Shipping Line.