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Description of change


Vessel berthing is the process of mooring a vessel to a designated location in a terminal known as a berth, usually for the purposes of loading and unloading cargo or containers. From Bharat Trade perspective, the vessel berthing process is initiated when a shipping agent creates a request for a berth booking and ends at the allotment of berth by the terminal for the shipping agent. 
Before a vessel is allowed to berth in the port, the Shipping Agent must request for a berth from the Terminal and get necessary approval from all authorities. 
As a prerequisite, the Shipping Agent must ensure that the vessel registration has been completed and the vessel registration id exist in the Bharat Trade. 
Once the expected arrival information is known to the Shipping Agent, a request for berth booking can be initiated by the Shipping Agent. To request a berth, the shipping agent must provide vessel details, voyage details, cargo details and berthing requirements. 
The Shipping Agent may be required to obtain approval from other authorities (Ports, Customs etc) and may need to upload approval documents or provide approval reference number along with the berth booking request. 
Bharat Trade will forward the request to the remote system. Terminal operator will review the berthing request and allot the designated berth in the terminal through remote system. Berth allotment information will be forwarded to the Shipping Agent. 

Application login

Sign in to the Bharat Trade application by providing the Username and Password in the login page and click the SIGN IN button.

Go to Service MANAGE --> Operations -> Berth Advice

Create a berthing advice


The Prerequisites to create Berth Booking are

  1. The Vessel Registration should be Approved from all the levels.

  2. Shipping Service should be Approved from all the levels.

  3. The Active status should be Yes.

  4. The date should not exceed the Expiry Date.

  5. The logged in user Client Type should be Shipping Line or Shipping Agent.

The Berth Booking Search page is displayed. Click the "+" icon to create a new Berth Booking request.

The Berth Booking registration form is displayed.

The fields in the different sections of the form are defined below.

Vessel Information

Enter the vessel details in the Vessel Information header.

Location: The terminals registered for the logged in user appear in the drop-down. Select any value for which the berthing advice need to be created.

VOA: Type in the shipping line name here. Suggestions of verified vessel lines will appear as you type in. Any name that is already not in the system, will not be accepted.

Vessel Name: Type in a vessel name that belongs to the VOA. Suggestions of available vessels of the particular VOA will come up as the user types in.

Vessel Type: This will be populated automatically after entering the Vessel Name.

Shipping Service Code: Select a shipping service code from the drop-down, which is populated with the service codes mapped with the VOA and Vessel Name in the system.

Call Information

Enter the call details in the Call Information header.

Inbound voyage No.

Outbound Voyage No.

ETA: Estimated time of Arrival. Pick a date from the datepicker.

Cargo cut off time: This field is populated based on the ETA. Without this field being populated, user will not be able to submit a berthing advice.

Estimated stay hours:


  • Based on the Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) date and time, the Cargo Cut Off Time is displayed and the Estimated Stay Hrs is displayed based on Expected Time of Departure (ETD).

  • The request should be submitted within the Cut Off Time. Only then the user will be able to submit Berth Booking request.

  • If the user selects Others from the Additional Services drop-down list, one more additional field Others* will be added.

Berthing Information

Enter the Berth details in the Berthing Information header. Click the "+" icon to add new Berth and click the Delete icon to delete the added berth.

If the Call Reason is selected as Container Operation in Berthing Information, the Container Information header is displayed. Enter the Container details in the respective fields and click the Add button in Cargo Details header to add Cargo details.

A pop up window will be displayed for the Cargo Details. Enter the details in the respective fields and click the Ok button.

  • Based on the Type of Operation selected in Cargo Information, the Operation Type data is displayed in the drop-down list.

  • Hatch No should be less than or equal to No Of Hatches.

  • If the Hazardous Cargo is selected as Yes, two more additional fields IMDG and UN No will be added into the Cargo Details.

    1. If the Call Reason is selected as Both in Berthing Information, the Cargo Information and Container Information header is displayed. Enter the Container and Cargo details in the respective fields.


Click the Add button to add documents. User should enter the details of the document in the respective field and upload the related documents in the Attachments header.

After entering all the mandatory fields, click the Submit button to save the data. The success screen with Berth Booking details is displayed.

Note: ETA should be 'X' hours less than the cutoff time, else this message will be
displayed, 'X' is configurable. Click the Ok button to confirm.

Amending a Berthing Advice

Enter the search criteria in the respective field and click the Search button.

The search result is displayed and click the Rotation Number to continue.

Click the Edit button to modify the Berth details.

Modify the respective fields and click the Submit button to save the changes.

The confirmation message pop up window is displayed. Click the Ok button to confirm.

Cancelling the Berth Booking Request

  • The cancel request should be submitted within the Cut Off Time. Only then the user will be able to cancel the Berth Booking request.

  • If the cancel request is submitted after the Cut Off Time, the system will pop-up with the message "The cancellation does not maintain X hours prior to ETA and it will invoke special approval. Do you want to continue?". By clicking on the Yes button the Shipping Agent will be able to cancel a berth. It will initiate configured approval workflow for cancellation. If approved, the status will be "Cancelled", else the status will be reverted back to status prior to initiating cancellation request.

Enter the search criteria in the respective field and click the Search button.

The search result is displayed and click the Rotation Number to continue.

Click the Cancel button to cancel the submitted Berth registration.

Cancellation Remarks popup window will display. Enter Remarks and click on Submit

Amending the Approved Berth DetailsClick the approved Rotation Number in the Search Result.

Click the Edit button to modify the details of Berth booking.

Modify the details in the edit screen and click the Submit button.

The success screen with Berth details is displayed.

Note: The amended Berth Booking details will be sent for the approvals again and the approval process remains the same. Once approved, amendment can be done only on
selective fields.Click the Comparison button to view the comparison result.

The Comparison result is displayed as below,

  • No labels