Contract Search

Contract Search


This section allows the admin to search and view the contracts along with the option to search, view, and edit existing contracts.


  1. Login to your CCS account, and click SIGN IN.

    Subscription Location Postpaid Step 1.jp.jpg

  2. In the Select Location window, click the drop-down and select the location.

    Subscription Location Step 2.jpg

  3. Click CONFIRM.
    Note: The Confirm button is enabled only after selecting the location.

  4. Go to Configure> Subscription> Tariff Management or Plan Management.
    Note: The user can navigate to Contract through both Tariff Management and Plan Management.

  5. Go to Contract Search, as depicted in the image below.
    In the Contract Search page, the user can see the unique Contract Id, Company Name, Client Code, the Office Code, the Activation Date, and the Payment Type.
    Note: The record of the existing Contracts related to the logged in user are listed in the Contract Search section.


  6. The admin can search for a plan by its plan code or plan name. After entering any criteria click on the search image-20240412-140111.png icon as highlighted in the image. The search results are displayed.


  7. To search with a new plan name or to reset the details, click on Reset image-20240412-140622.png icon, or click on the cross icon.

Edit Plan

  1. To edit the contract the user can click on the edit image-20240412-141420.png icon.

  2. Make necessary changes and click save changes .

    1. To discard the changes done to the contract, click DISCARD.


    2. The system navigates the user to the View page.
      To go back to main page, the user can click on Back To Search.

  3. A success message appears on the screen.

View Plan

  1. To view the plan, click on the plan.

  2. The user can view the details of the plan.

  3. When in the Manage Contract page, the user has two options available as follows:

    1. The Suspend option to suspend the contract.

    2. The edit option to edit the plan.

  4. To suspend the contract click Suspend.

    1. To confirm, click YES.

  5. To edit the contract click Edit.

    1. Make necessary modification and click SAVE.

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