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Visit Search


This section explains how Vessel Visit Management supports the basic operation that the user can perform in Dar es Salaam implementation:

Visit Search

This section describes how the user can search a vessel visit record.

To search a vessel visit record:

  1. Login to your CCS account, and click SIGN IN.

    Subscription Location Postpaid Step


  2. In the Select Location window, click the drop-down and select the location Dar es Salaam.

    Voyaga Maintainence Step 2.png


  3. Click CONFIRM.
    Note: The Confirm button is enabled only after selecting the location.


  4. Go to Manage >Operations and select Voyage Maintenance.


  5. By default, Visit Search page appears on the screen.

  6. The Visit Search page is displayed with default search results.

  7. In the Visit Search section, to pull out the details of containers, enter the Import/Export Voyage# or TOS Ref#, and then click on the search icon as highlighted in the image below.

  8. To search with a new vessel name or to clear all the additional filter criteria entered by user, click on the Reset icon.

  9. Click the drop-down icon to view the additional parameters to search.

  10. Additional search parameters are displayed.

  11. To view the details, click on the respective visit row.

    The system navigates the user to the Manage Visit page.

Visit Details

This section contains the details of the Visit.


  1. The details of the selected Visit Reference # are displayed.


Vessel Details

This section contains the details of the Vessel.


  1. To view the vessel details, go to Vessel Details option in the left navigation bar.

  2. The details of the vessel are displayed.

Visit Status

This section helps the user to view the status of the maritime Visits.


  1. To view the status of the selected maritime visit, go to Visit Status option in the left navigation bar.

Based on the status received by the TOS team the status is updated in the Visit Status section.

  1. To view a detailed status audit,



The user can view all the status related edits and audits captured here along with the status of the Visits.


This section helps the user to have a detailed audit of the visit. The user can view all the visit related edits and audits captured here along with the status of the Visit.

  1. Go to Audit section, to view the visit details.


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