Dear Esteemed User,
We are pleased to inform you regarding the below mentioned upgrades to Bharat Trade which we hope will enhance its functionality and improve users experience.
These upgrades include new features, functionality enhancement, changes to process flow and bug fixes.
Note: In case you are facing any difficulty in accessing the application, kindly clear your browser cookies & cache and re-login into the application.
BT is now integrated with Customs Gate at MICT Mundra Terminal to support Road movements for Export Containers.
The user is now alerted when trying to submit an Export Pre-advise prior Terminal Gate Opens or after Terminal Gate Closes. BT now records the user’s acceptance of this alert.
3. Fixed an issue at IGT Cochin Terminal where Import Container cycle was getting closed even when same trailer with a different container was gated out. This was preventing users from taking print of SEZ4 for such Import Containers.
4. When releasing import empty containers on BT, attaching CMC document is now mandatory at IGT Cochin & NSICT/NSIGT, Nhava Sheva. User’s are not required to submit the CMC document by email.
5. Added a new Report: “VOA Report”
a. This report is available under Reports Tab à Scheduled Report.
b. Vessel Operating Agent, Consortium Partner & Box Operators can request for this report.
c. The report is generated & emailed directly to the registered email ID of the user requesting the report.
d. The data in the report will be visible basis your role for that vessel (Vessel Operating Agent or Consortium Partner or Box Operator).
6. Search criteria “Departed” in Operation Status has been renamed to “Sailed” for better user understanding.
7. Fixed a bug to ensure correct vessel name is displayed across the application
8. Fixed a bug which was preventing the csv report download. Now authorised users will be able to download the mentioned report.
9. Fixed a bug to ensure removal of truck details on cancelling an EgatePass
10. Now the EgatePass status will revert to “Open” if a terminal cancels a trip after the trailer has gated in. The User will then need to re-nominate a truck to Gate In the container again.
11. For Export Containers, the Shipper Name field is now restricted to a maximum 100 characters. Earlier it was 255 characters.
12. Renamed the search result column “Gate In/Out Date” to “Gate In/Out Date And Time”.
13. Added search criteria for “Gate In/Out Date And Time”
14. Fixed a bug which was preventing the update of Import Release status when an import container departed from terminal.
15. Fixed an issue which was preventing some nominated users to see the Import Release.
16. Fixed an issue due to which duplicate containers were reflecting in an Import Release.
17. The group code, changed by the terminal for any Import Containers will now be auto - processed in BT.
18. Fixed an issue which was preventing some users from searching for their import containers. System was showing a “Time-out msg”.
19. Fixed an issue, where any change in the Import Container attributes done by terminal was not being updated in BT if the Import Release was in Expired Status. Now such change in attributes will be updated in BT.
20. Fixed an issue to ensure that large number of containers can be released in BT in one go. Previously such transactions were taking time to process and going into Queued status.
21. Change in shipping status from Transhipment to Import can now be auto processed in BT. This will allow users to release such container in BT without delay. .
22. Updated the bulk container upload instruction sheet to include more Commodity descriptions, ISO, IMDG etc. The instructions are re-phrased to make this sheet more user friendly.
23. Fixed an issue to enable downloading of CSV report as per search criteria Terminal Vessel Visit.
24. Fixed an issue to ensure that Duplicate EPAs are not created in the system anymore.
25. Added a new warning message to inform users if the EPA is being created before vessel gate open time.
26. Updated IMDG codes in the application as advised by DP World terminals.
27. Added new locations for “Port Of Origin”.
28. VOA can now nominate export EgatePass to 50 box operators in one go. Previously this limit was set at 20.
29. Fixed an issue to ensure correct count of containers in the Pendency Report.
30. Fixed an issue to ensure correct container status (Discharged vs Discharge Reconcile) is displayed in Pendency Report.
31. Enhanced the performance of Company Registration Screen.
32. Registration post Cancellation is now possible
33. The Pendency, Import Export Tally and VOA Report is now available under the Reports Tab.
34. Import Export Tally Report can now also be generated for vessels which are in status “Operation In Progress”. Previously this report was only available for vessel status “Sailed”
35. Alternate mobile number is now an optional field. In case required alternate mobile number may be provided by entering +91 <blank space> XXXXXXXXXX.