Revision History
Version | Date | Author | Designation | Description of change |
1.0 |
| Technical writer | Draft |
The Nominate E-gatepass module allows Terminal to release e-gatepass to a vessel operator (Shipping Line/Shipping Agent), who in turn can nominate another Bharat Trade Cargoes registered Consortium Partner or Box Operator. The nominated party can then release the e-gatepass to end customer by making Export Pre-Advise or Import Release.
Sign In: If user is registered, than they can log in to Cargoes and Login by providing their username and password in the login page and click the SIGN IN button.
Alternatively if not registered he can click on Sign Up to register before he can start using Cargoes Services.
Go to MANAGE --> Voyage -> Nominate e-gatepass
The Nominate E-gatepass Search page is displayed. Click the "+" icon to create a new Nominate E-gatepass.
The different sections of the form are explained below.
Nomination Details
Field definition:VOA – The VOA or the Vessel Operator Agent Code is populated automatically after a mouse click upon entering the
Terminal Vessel visit no.
BT Rotation Terminal Vessel Visit No – Type in a BT rotation Cargoes vessel visit number, which will be validated in the system, or click on the search icon on this field, to search and select a value.
Agent Ref No:– Here, enter any user defined reference number which is unique across any Nominate E-gatepass created earlier. The used reference number cannot be used in another Nominate E-gatepass under same company
Nomination Type – Nomination type is either Import or Export. This field appears after entering BT Rotation Terminal vessel visit number.
Nomination Criteria – Select between Bulk and Specific for import, while for export only bulk nomination is available.
Instructions – Enter the additional information (if any) in the Instruction field.
Nominee Details
The fields in this section are populated based on the field Nomination Criteria.
Nomination Type: Import
Import - Bulk
Select the Nominee Type from the drop down list and enter the Client Code in the respective field. Maximum 20 rows can be added in the Nominee Details section.
Nominee type: The client type of the company you want to nominate
Client Name: The client name you want to nominate.
Import - specific
Nominee type: The client type of the company you want to nominate
Client Name: The client name you want to nominate.
Nominate By: It is a list of options by which to categorize the nomination, example: containers.
Nomination Type: Export
Export - Bulk
Select the Nominee Type, Container Size and Type from the drop down list and enter the Client Code and Container Qty in the respective fields. Maximum 20 rows can be added in the Nominee Details section.
Nominee type: The client type of the company you want to nominate
Client Name: The client name you want to nominate.
Container Size: Here you can specify any container size from the drop-down. The nominee will have access to these containers.
ISO code: Specify the ISO code which you want the nominee to have access towards. Choose a value from the drop-down.
Container Qty: Mention the number if containers that the nominee can have access to.
Click on the Add button to add the attachments. Maximum five files can be attached. Each file size should be equal to or lesser than 2MB.
After entering all the mandatory fields, click the Submit button to save the data.
The success screen is displayed with the Nominate E-gatepass Details in which the Nomination Id is unique and generated by system. Click the Back button to go back to the Nominate E-gatepass Search screen.
View Allocated e-gatepass
In Nominate E-gatepass Search page, enter the known search criteria in the respective fields and click the Search button.
The list of search result for which the user is authorized is displayed. Click the Nomination ID to view the details.
Click the Pdf icon to download and view the search result in the pdf format.
Click the Excel Sheet icon to download and view the search result in csv format.
The details of the selected Nomination Id is displayed in the Nominate e-gatepass page. Click the Back button to go back to the Nominate e-gatepass search screen.
E-gatepass nomination status
Status | Description |
Open | An e-gatepass record is created every time an export pre-advice (EPA) or a n import release (IR) is created. |
If a transporter is not nominated in EPA or IR, or if the container details are missing in the EPA or the IR, then the status of the e-gatepass request created is “Open”. If an export empty EPA is submitted without ISO code, then the status of the nomination is Open | |
Nominated | The status of an e-gatepass record is “Nominated” if one of the below conditions is true:
Submitted |
After a shipping Line or nominated party enters the mandatory container details in an EPA, the corresponding transporter nomination goes to Submitted status. | |
Queued | When an EPA and the corresponding nomination have all mandatory container and transporter details, and is awaiting approval, then the nomination is in Queued status. |
Approved | When a nominations is submitted by nominated party and approved by Shipping Line |
Active | When a nomination request is approved by Zodia, then it is in “Active” status |
Completed | An e-gatepass is in the “Completed” status when all the containers for that NT ID are gated in or gated out. |
Transmission in Progress | Export data is sent from |
Cargoes to the terminal system. When the data is in transition, that is, has left from |
Cargoes but has not been copied by the terminal system, the e-gatepass status id “Transmission in Progress”. | |
Transmission Failed | In the process of sending export data to the terminal system, if unexpected system error, or data mismatch happens,then the status is shown as “Transmission Failed“. |
Working | If the survey for a container is started, the status of the associated e-gatepass is “Working”. |
Expired | If an EPA has expired the vessel Cut Off, then the NT is marked as Expired. |
Arrived | If gate out has happened for the containers, the associated e-gatepass gets the status of “Arrived”. |
Departed | If gate in has happened for the containers, the associated e-gatepass gets the status of “Departed”. |
Green Dot | A green dot signifies that the e-gatepass request is Active. |
Yellow Dot | A yellow dot signifies that the e-gatepass request is either Open or Nominated. |
Black Dot | A black dot signifies that the e-gatepass request is either in “Arrived” or “Departed“ status. |
Until all mandatory details of a nomination is filled, an e-gatepass will remain in Open/Nominated status.
Edit/Cancel Nominate E-gatepass
After opening the details of a particular e-gatepass nomination, click on the Edit button towards the bottom right corner of the page, as marked in the image above.
Click on the Edit button to make changes to the nomination, and click on the Submit button at the bottom of the screen.
The success screen with Nominate e-gatepass Details are shown in the image.
The amendment history details of the Nominate E-gatepass are displayed.
The Status of the cancelled Nominate E-gatepass request is changed to Cancelled.