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Pickup Import

  1. Enter Container No.

    Image Removedimage-20250117-152737.pngImage Added

  2. When the user scopes out of the Container No field, the container details are auto populated.

In case the user enters an invalid Container No, an appropriate error message will be displayed when the user scopes out of the field.


  1. Select the Appt Date and Time. More details about the calendar component used for selecting the Appt Date and Time are provided at the end of this page.

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  2. Once appointment date and time selected,

    titleSubmit and Add new
    button would be enabled at the bottom right of the page.

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  3. Click on

    titlesubmit and add new

    Image Modified

  4. User will be navigated to the Container Appointment or Create New Appointment page depending on the selection in the previous step with appropriate message as below.


  1. image-20250117-153118.pngImage Added

Pickup Empty

  1. Enter Export Booking No/EDO No.

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  2. When user scopes out of the Export Booking No/EDO No field:

    1. The Booking Item dropdown will get enabled with ISO codes associated with the Export Booking No /EDO Nothat was entered.

    2. Line IDfield will get auto populated.

In case the user enters an invalid Export Booking No/EDO No, an appropriate error message will be displayed when the user scopes out of the field.


  1. Select the required ISO code from the Booking Item dropdown.

    Image Removedimage-20250117-153357.pngImage Added

  2. Select the Appt Date and Time. More details about the calendar component used for selecting the Appt Date and Time are provided at the end of this page.

    Image Removedimage-20250117-153444.pngImage Added

  3. Once appointment date and time selected,

    titleSubmit and Add new
    button would be enabled at the bottom right of the page.

    Image Removedimage-20250117-153542.pngImage Added

  4. Click on

    titlesubmit and add new

  5. User will be navigated to the Container Appointment or Create New Appointment page depending on the selection in the previous step with appropriate message as below.

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Pickup Export

  1. Enter Container No.

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  2. When the user scopes out of the Container No field, the container details are auto populated.

In case the user enters an invalid Container No, an appropriate error message will be displayed when the user scopes out of the field.


  1. Select the Appt Date and Time. More details about the calendar component used for selecting the Appt Date and Time are provided at the end of this page.

    Image Removed

  2. Once appointment date and time selected,

    titleSubmit and Add new
    button would be enabled at the bottom right of the page.

    Image Removed

  3. Click on


    image-20240307-113607.pngImage Removed

  4. User will be navigated to the Container Appointment or Create New Appointment page depending on the selection in the previous step with appropriate message as below.

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  1. image-20250117-153620.pngImage Added

Drop Off Empty (Storage)

  1. Enter Container No.

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  1. When the user scopes out of the Container No field, the container details are auto - populated.

In case the user enters an invalid Container No, an appropriate error message will be displayed when the user scopes out of the field.


  1. Select the Appt Date and Time. More details about the calendar component used for selecting the Appt Date and Time are provided at the end of this page.

    Image Removedimage-20250117-153909.pngImage Added

  2. Once appointment date and time selected,

    titleSubmit and Add new
    button would be enabled at the bottom right of the page.

    Image Removedimage-20250117-153956.pngImage Added

  3. Click on

    titlesubmit and add new

  4. User will be navigated to the Container Appointment or Create New Appointment page depending on the selection in the previous step with appropriate message as below.

    Image Removedimage-20250117-154021.pngImage Added

Drop Off Export (Full/MT)

  1. Enter the Export Booking Container No.

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  2. When the user scopes out of the Export Booking No/EDO No field:


b. Line ID field will get auto-populated


  1. the


  1. Container No field


In case the user enters an invalid Export Booking No/EDO No, an appropriate error message will be displayed when the user scopes out of the field.


Select the required ISO code from the Booking Item dropdown.



Select the Appt Date and Time. More details about the calendar component used for selecting the Appt Date and Time are provided at the end of this page.


  1. ,



titleSubmit and Add new


  1. the


Enter Container No.
When user scopes out of the Container No field:


  1. container details are auto populated.


The fields Gross Weight (kg), Seal 1, Seal 2, Seal 3, Seal 4 will be enabled.

In case the user enters an invalid Container No, an appropriate error message will be displayed when the user scopes out of the field.


  1. Enter/modify the values in Gross Weight (kg), Seal 1, Seal 2, Seal 3, Seal 4 if required.

    Image Removed
  2. Click on

    titlesubmit and add new

Users can also perform this step after Step 4. Container Details are not mandatory for submitting the container appointment for Drop Off Export.

If the user submits without providing the container details the status of the appointment will be CREATED.


9. User is navigated to the Container Appointment or Create New Appointment page depending on the selection in the previous step.

Drop Off Import

  1. Enter Container No.

    Image Removed

  2. When the user scopes out of the Container No field

a. the container details are auto populated.

b. The fields ISO and Line Id can be selected from the Drop Down

In case the user enters an invalid Container No, an appropriate error message will be displayed when the user scopes out of the field.


  1. For Dropoff Export (Full/MT), Begin Receive Time and Gate Cutoff Time will be displayed as highlighted.

    image-20250117-155553.pngImage Added

  2. Select the Appt Date and Time. Available slots within the Begin Receive Time and Gate Cutoff Time will be available for user selection. More details about the calendar component used for selecting the Appt Date and Time are provided at the end of this page.

    Image Removedimage-20250117-155510.pngImage Added
  3. Once appointment date and time selected,

    titleSubmit and Add new
    button would be enabled at the bottom right of the page.

    Image Removedimage-20250117-160154.pngImage Added

  4. Click on

    titlesubmit and add new

    Image Removed


9. User


is navigated to the Container Appointment or Create New Appointment page depending on the selection in the previous step


View Hazard details

Applicable while creating Container Appointments of type - Pickup Import, Pickup Export, Drop Off Import, Drop Off Export

  1. The Hazard field in the Create New Appointment page will have the value Yes in case hazard information is present for that container
    Click on the Yes link to view the hazard details.

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  2. The Hazard details will be displayed in a pop-up.

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View/Edit OOG Dimensions

  1. The OOG field in the Create New Appointment page will have the value Yes in case OOG information is present for that container.
    Click on the Yes link to view the OOG Dimensions.

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  2. The OOG Dimensions will be displayed in a pop up.

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  3. For Appointments of type Drop Off Export, the fields in the pop-up will be editable. Modify the details if required and click on the


    Image Removed

Appt Date and Time Calendar

Click on the calendar icon to select a timeslot.

Timeslots will be color-coded as below:

  • Grey: Past time slots

  • Green: Available time slots

  • Orange: Timeslot almost full

  • Red: Timeslot full

Users can select the Green and Orange Timeslots

In case the user selects a Red timeslot, the appointment created will be of the status STANDBY.


